How is the weather in Cuba? Climate in Havana

When you start planning a trip, there is a lot to think about, like booking casas particulares in Cuba, get to know how is the weather in Cuba, take decisions about which cities are you going to visit, and so on. That is why we will like to give you all the information about the climate in Havana and other cities.

The climate in Havana Cuba

According to the Köppen classification, the climate type in Cuba is tropical warm, it has a rainy season in the summer and a dry season. In general, we can say that the climate in this island is tropical, and has seasonally humid, also with a maritime influence and semi-continental features.

But, this is not the only climate condition in Cuba, according to the Insmet, “in the higher areas of the main mountain systems or that observed in the southern coastal strip of the provinces of Santiago de Cuba and Guantánamo, which classifies as relatively dry tropical with few showers of rain”.

There are two main weather seasons in Cuba:

  • Dry season: from November to April, the maximum temperature is between 27 and 28, and the minimum 18 – 24 °C.
  • Summer: from May to October, the maximum temperature is always near the 30°C and the minimal around 23°. It´s a more humid time and it is the rainy season. The biggest variations are due to hurricanes or tropical cyclones, this season is from June to November.

At your right, you will see a climate chart from Wikipedia of the weather in Havana.


How is the weather in Cuba?

The weather in Cuba all year does not have many variations. In average the temperature is 25°C, it´s sunny almost the 365 days of the year. You can swim on the beach whenever you want because the water temperature is always perfect, between 25 and 30 °C.

It is said that Cuba has more than 300 sunny and summery days in the year. The humidity is between 75% and 95%, hence you can feel that is hotter, and you will sweat more.

About the rainy season, it is important to know that the coast is rainier, with maximums of 3.000 mm yearly, but in the center of the island the average of 1.000 mm.

Hurricane season in Cuba

The hurricane season is something that can worry you when planning a trip to Cuba. Generally, the cyclone season is from June to November. The wind can get up to 200 kilometers per hour and bring heavy storms.

If you are in Cuba in this season, and there is a hurricane alert you should not be afraid. In general, this can be overwhelming but not dangerous. The hotels have a modern structure, or the old ones are well protected to hold on.

The authorities will give you all the information you will need. And they will only ask the people to leave their homes in extreme cases. The building and houses owners will protect de windows and doors.

What is the weather like every month in Cuba?

We mentioned before the two different climate periods in Cuba, now we will like to talk about how is the weather in Cuba per season. Knowing this you can start planning your trip to Trinidad.

Dry season

This season is from November to April.

  • Weather in Cuba in November

November is a transitional month between the two main seasons in the island, the summer or rainy season end, and the dry season or winter starts. So, the weather tends to be volatile. The weather in Cuba for November gets better, it is fresh and nice, also it means the end of the hurricane season.

It is sunny, so you can still go to the beach and do all the outdoor activities you want to. The average temperature is 24°C. The precipitation average drops to 88 mm.

  • Weather in Cuba in December

December is a month with what we can say is a perfect weather, is sunny, but not too hot. It is ideal to do tourism activities, go to the beach, visit the mountains, and so on.

The average temperature is 23°C, with minimum temperatures of 20°C and maximum of 27°C. There is little rain, an average of 39 mm in the whole month. This is the weather in Cuba at Christmas time, as you can see is great to spend the holidays there. 

  • Weather in Cuba in January

January has the typical conditions of the dry season, with the predominance of high continental pressures on Cuba. It is one of the coldest months of the year, or the coolest one, so it is usual to register remarkable minimum temperatures around 18°C.

The humidity is the lowest of the year, and on average the precipitation is 64 mm and a frequency of 6 days with rain are reported.

  • Cuba's weather in February

This is another typical month of the dry season. In February like in January there is an influence of high continental pressures persists, therefore there are still minimum temperatures, the average is 22.

The minimum temperature is 19 and the maximum 26, the same as in January. The humidity is 75 % in average. And the precipitation is 68-69 mm, and February has 5 days with rain.

  • Cuba climate in March

Is still the dry season, is the month with less rain, the precipitation total is 46 mm. The temperature is a little higher than the previous months, the minimum is 20 and the maximum is 28.

Still is a cool or slightly cool month. So, it is a perfect time to get to know this island and enjoy the pleasant weather, there are like 9 hours of sunshine and the water is 26°C in average.

  • Cuba climate in April

This month is the last one of the dry season, so the rainy season begins in May, and it extends until October. This is a transitional month, so the temperature starts to go up, but there are some cold fronts in the middle.

The minimum temperature is 20 and the maximum 28. The precipitation total is 54 mm. And there are only 3 rainy days.

Rainy season or summer:

This season goes from May to October.

  • Weather in Cuba in May

As we said before May is the beginning of the rainy season in Cuba, but this does not mean it starts raining in the whole country. You will start to see electrical storms in some areas, especially during the afternoon ant the first hours of the night; although June is the month with more of this activity.

In May the total precipitations go up to 98 mm. So much more rain than the previous months. But rain does not mean cold in Cuba, the temperature rises to a minimum of 22 and a maximum of 30.

The day gets longer, there are 10 hours of sunshine every and the water temperature rises to 28 degrees.

  • Weather in Cuba in June

June is the rainiest month in Cuba, the average of precipitations is 182 mm, almost the double of the previous month. There are at least 14 rainy days in this month.

We mentioned the hurricane season, it starts in January, but there are not only these kinds of atmospheric phenomenon, there can be thunderstorms, electrical storms, tropical storms. Strong cyclones are not so common, last year, in 2017, the Hurricane Irma hit the island.

June is a hot month, with higher temperatures of 31°C and lowest of 23°C.

  • Weather in Cuba in July

July represents a downfall in the rainy season, the average of precipitation is 106 mm, and the temperature keeps rising to 31°C and a minimal of 23°C.

Showers and thunderstorms may occur during the afternoon and early in the evening. There are 12 days of rain in this month. In July the days get longer, the sunshine hours are 11, influenced by the summer in the northern hemisphere.

  • Weather in Cuba in August

In August the temperature gets higher, the minimum is 24 and the maximum 31.6 °C. Besides it is in the middle of the rainy season, it is as rainy as may, with 100 mm of precipitation.

This is a month with high activity regarding cyclones, there are hurricanes and tropical storms. But, besides this is one of the favorites months for Cubans to visit the beach, because of the heat.

  • Weather in Cuba in September

September is a month of feverish temperatures, humidity and a higher incidence of tropical storm and hurricanes. For example, last year the hurricane Irma arrived at the island in the middle of September, this was a category 4 hurricane. But keep in mind that not every year, or every hurricane season there is this kind of cyclones, Irma was the biggest one since Katrina.

This is a rainy month, but on the coast, there is less precipitation than in the interior of the island. That is why is a perfect month for activities on the beach because is a typical summer.

The average temperature is 27.5 °C. The average precipitation is 144 mm.

  • Weather in Cuba in October

October is the last month of the summer and the rainy season, and it is historically the most dangerous in the hurricane season, there is more occurrence of tropical cyclones. But keep in mind what be said before, most of the year there are no big storms, or there are one or two storms.

In general, October is still a good month of summer, perfect for going to the beach and doing water sports. The average temperature is 26°C.

Still rains, but not so frequently. The rain not associated with tropical storms, use to be in the afternoon and don´t last long.

Best season to go to Cuba

If you are wondering the best season is to visit Cuba, we can say that you should avoid the hurricane season, because a storm can go through the island and your travel will be interrupted. But, this does not mean that you should not go to Cuba between August and November.

You will find a very good weather in June and July, even in August. The most popular season is the dry one, between December and April, you will avoid rain and hurricanes, but this means that there will be crowded, and the tickets and accommodation maybe be more expensive.

Now that you know how is the weather in Cuba, you can start planning your trip. Choose the months and the climate you prefer. Don’t forget to book your accommodation, contact us.

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